Forum: Blender

Subject: Anyone heard of or using Blender Sensei?

EClark1894 opened this issue on May 25, 2015 ยท 14 posts

xixacnorbert posted Sat, 29 October 2016 at 7:09 PM

This guy should be banned from the web. Basically he set up a custom theme for Blender which he uses as an entry point to a series of 3d beginner tutorials and some extremely over-priced model packs. Problem is that his custom theme installs a ton of new hot keys and completely switches the layout. So if you have been working with Blender and learned the keys, nothing works anymore. The kicker however is that the uninstall switch that he keeps mentioning does not work. The only way out is a complete reinstallation, which can be a pain if you have RenderMan and other things installed or don't know where all your prefs and scripts are. There are lots of forum posts of people trying to get rid of this stuff. It is OK to try to make a buck of free software and the "Sensei" thingy seems to resonate with 3D newbies, but this guy takes it to an extreme and unfortunately doesn't have the know-how to execute things well. So people are left frustrated and stranded. Avoid at all cost!!! There are no shortcuts and this "sensei" just wants to shill his warez.