Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Is there a demand in Pauline products?

karanta opened this issue on Oct 08, 2016 ยท 57 posts

ssgbryan posted Fri, 14 October 2016 at 4:25 PM

karanta posted at 3:04PM Fri, 14 October 2016 - #4286549

Ok shoes are on my list now :smile Unpractical ;) shoes like this:


or more the everyday style?

Yes. ? Fitting Room conversions are nice, if using conforming clothing. But nothing beats conforming clothing that has been tweaked by the modeler.

The thing is, people don't really use the tools available to them.

Example - the reason I say don't add character morphs is because

  1. The odds that that particular dial spun character will have all the same morphs in the clothing is pretty much zero.
  2. It is easier to convert the dial spin to a FBM (via the dials to single morph command - which has been hidden away in Wardrobe Wizard for years) and insert it into the clothing myself; it also makes the clothing lighter, memory-wise. That is important when moving away from a single figure scene. I am convinced that I am the only person that uses it.