Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Project E

vampchild opened this issue on Apr 08, 2014 ยท 337 posts

erogenesis posted Mon, 11 July 2016 at 2:05 AM

lol so I try Poserfusion for max, load scene... crash.

In all the years I've used max (since 2001), its crashed maybe 5 times (to compare: Poser crashes almost daily). Max is like a brick wall, you can abuse it to all hell, it won't fall. And then i install a plugin made by SM... crash. And there's no use reporting it, I'll get some excuse: you have the wrong version of max, something wrong with your video card, etc etc... No how about you guys just suck at software development?

yeah I might have a poser trauma. Sigh

"The fool is not the one that does something foolish, but the one that does nothing at all."