Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Project E

vampchild opened this issue on Apr 08, 2014 · 337 posts

moogal posted Thu, 26 May 2016 at 9:12 PM

wolf359 posted at 9:57PM Thu, 26 May 2016 - #4270415

Hi why would you be waiting for SM to Get serious about competing with Iclone?? As an Iclone user I can attest that Iclone Was created specifically to address the needs of people who are interested in Visual story telling through CG Character animation and exporting & re-targeting that Character motion Data for use in other programs. SM has correctly determined that the prevailing majority of what remains of their poser user base are still render makers (mostly female portraits). And the majority of the users here don’t care As they don’t animate.

At the time I first bought Poser there was no iClone, and Poser was commonly used widely for visual storytelling. I always thought the prevalence of NVIATWAS images was because of new users not knowing what else to do, never guessing that was precisely all that many users apparently ever wanted to do. But to answer the question sincerely, it's because of things like HW shaders and the GameDev version leading me to think that Poser would evolve to be more like iClone over time. I've long assumed the animation thing is a catch 22. Firefly (and Superfly) render times are just too long for most users to bother with animation. If the preview quality were comparable to iClone's viewport then more people might attempt animating and SM would have more users asking for improvements in that area.