Forum: Blender

Subject: Judy Hopps...with fur, even!

Redfern opened this issue on Apr 07, 2016 ยท 6 posts

Mythic3D posted Thu, 07 April 2016 at 9:00 PM

Hi Redfern,

It sounds like you are entirely new to Blender so I don't know how familiar you are with just moving around and selecting things - if you need help with basics like that then I highly recommend you check out a YouTube channel called Blender For Noobs where you can find a couple very short videos to get you up and running quickly. I know I felt totally lost until I stumbled onto his "Learn Blender in an Hour" video and after watching it once and playing around a bit I started to understand the logic of how Blender's interface is set up.

As far as the Judy Hops model you are looking at, I haven't done any animation in Blender (I'm sure someone with more real knowledge will be along to help :) ) but I took a look at it and there are "helpers" for posing it in the scene. In the screenshot below I circled a few of them. Try right-clicking on any of those to select it and then either use the "G" hotkey to grab it and move it around or the "R" hotkey to rotate it and you should see things start moving around on the character.
