Forum: DAZ|Studio

Subject: New competition figure Sneak previews - SM

Razor42 opened this issue on Nov 03, 2015 ยท 240 posts

Zev0 posted Tue, 17 November 2015 at 3:42 PM

Ye this will blow over..Everybody was so anti Daz when Dawn content showed up at launch, screaming V4 Killer!!! and well, end result is always the same......Also I wouldn't even call this traction. Let's see how long this "traction" lasts. My bet is I give it 4 months at most. After that, the usual will happen.....When you do this long enough you never read into these initial signs too deeply. Always look at the trend over a longer period of time to see how sustainable a figure is. In 4 months if there is still around 5-8 products released daily I will call it traction. And no, freebies do not count:)

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