Forum: DAZ|Studio

Subject: New competition figure Sneak previews - SM

Razor42 opened this issue on Nov 03, 2015 ยท 240 posts

Razor42 posted Fri, 06 November 2015 at 8:35 AM

chaecuna posted at 1:16AM Sat, 07 November 2015 - #4237187

What people do not understand in this community (and mommy-knows-best moderators reinforce this non-understanding) is that there is a deep difference between this-is-shit and this-is-shift-because-... : the first is trolling (and should be shot down), the second is criticism (and should be meditated upon).

Anyway, in the RDNA thread it was written that Teyon is still working on morphs so it is not the final state but an advanced work-in-progress situation. Personally, I feel that her face is kinda squashed on Poser z-axis (especially the nose area) and the neck appears to be too long, but these are problems that can be fixed in minutes with some morphs.

I don't think customers are required by any unwritten law to lay down constructive feedback to help a business make a better product to sell them, are they? That's what focus groups are for, most companies pay these groups for that kind of feedback. It's generally well within a consumer's rights to say "It doesn't appeal to me, I won't be purchasing it" or even to say nothing at all and just leave, without needing to validate their opinion with a reason. It's hardly trolling to do likewise on the internet.

Generally though if I find something I have purchased has some "shift" on it, I will take it back and demand a full refund. Usually showing the shift to the salesman doesn't require further explanation of why I am returning the goods, he can usually connect the dots himself/herself :P

You seem to confusing artistic critique with consumer critique to be honest.