Forum: DAZ|Studio

Subject: Daz Studio 4.9 Big Changes Incoming!!

ghosty12 opened this issue on Oct 28, 2015 ยท 502 posts

JasonGalterio posted Sun, 01 November 2015 at 7:15 PM

I don't want this to sound elitist, but I thought I would describe my recent experiences to show why I am concerned...

My wife and I just went on a fairly long vacation last month. It involved flying across the country. Then boarding a cruise ship for over a week. Before getting to Hawaii and spending a week and a half there.

We spent over a year saving up for it and planning it out. I should add that I am a horrible flier. I hate flying. Absolutely despise it. I have incredibly bad luck on almost all my flights. Just strange things happen that never seem to happen to other people...

Anyway, as a build up to this I invested in a new laptop. Tried to get all my software ready. Spent weeks doing back ups and etc. etc.

We get on the plane. The first thing I discover is my new laptop tries to pull too much power from the plane's outlets. So I am working on a timer for how long the battery will last. Already a little stressed and trying to distract myself, I fire up Civilization to play. Guess what? Doesn't work. It wants an internet connection because I haven't run it recently. Grumbling, I decide to try Beyond Earth. Guess what? Doesn't work. I never ran it before. It wants to get online first too. Then I find that Windows update busted my headphone connection, so the only thing that works is the onboard speakers. So no watching a video or listening to music.

The ship left from Vancouver but we flew into Seattle first. So the morning that we are heading "up north." I update everything I can while I still have an internet connection. Once I cross the border I know I am going to have issues getting a connection.

We get to Vancouver. I decide to try and work on a few things while I have some down time. Guess what I didn't update? Photoshop CC. It suddenly has decided that I am not me. And wants me to log into the internet. I grumble and move on. My solace is that I already prepaid for unlimited internet access on the ship. So in about six hours I can fix this.

We get on the ship. Every time I use Photoshop it wants to log in and prove I am me. Reality 4.1 also insists on re-registering every time I start it. But I have unlimited internet access, so it's just an annoyance now, not a game stopper.

Until the ship starts passing through dead zones in the satellite coverage. Go figure. They don't provide internet coverage across the entire Pacific. So dead in the water, literally, intermittently across the Pacific.

I guess this would be a worst case situation. It wasn't all bad. It didn't ruin anything. But it was annoying. And didn't have to happen.