Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: otee, percolating fresh pot o'cawffee. complete a project

MistyLaraCarrara opened this issue on Dec 27, 2014 ยท 272 posts

PrecisionXXX posted Sun, 13 September 2015 at 8:33 AM

Furnace running, house was cold this morning. 50f again when I looked half hour ago. Coffee done, eyes maybe half open, mind still out, that takes two cups to wake up. Katie curled in bed, blanket pulled tight around her neck, where I'd like to be again, but cats think I should be up, Frisky thinks he wants to be outside, but then he'd be scratching to come back in right away.
Waiting for my lawn care person to come, grass getting pretty high. Legs won't go around that much without me waking up in the wee hours with leg cramps. I'm kinda stuck there.


The "I" in Doric is Silent.