Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: otee, percolating fresh pot o'cawffee. complete a project

MistyLaraCarrara opened this issue on Dec 27, 2014 ยท 272 posts

PrecisionXXX posted Fri, 04 September 2015 at 10:41 PM

Was going to ask what you're doing with Katie.
I have her taking a walk with Ritchie in Fober's hills. If I ever get it far enough to do a render.
Looking for a pair of glasses for her. She looks like one of my kidhood friends, that's a long time ago, and the friend was a redhead, with almost the same as Kate's hair. Got one pair of glasses but not the right style.
"Ritchie" is from Color Curvature's M4/K4 mixer, Nickolas morph.

The "I" in Doric is Silent.