Forum: Community Center

Subject: Members Are Asking The Same Question,

hopeandlove opened this issue on Aug 24, 2015 ยท 30 posts

sparkman posted Thu, 27 August 2015 at 8:33 AM

Well the fact that the site in its current hideous form oriented for vertical device screens, smartphones and tablets I knew immediately after the first look at "revolutionary breakthrough" . It is clear that the mobile market will grow,but it is unlikely that I or other vendor or the buyer wants to stare at a tiny ( in terms of graphic display) screens ,in order to evaluate the product and make a purchase, but do not want to consider it on a large widescreen display. Again, the target market is not focused on smartphones and even highly doubt that even 10% of users Rendo use for shopping smartphones. But this is not so important, what's important is to guide the company Rendo already evident that the number of visitors fell three times. Evidence of the number of online visitors, if two weeks ago and sometimes up to 7000 visitors,now above 3000 does not happen, but it makes me think that sales fell and profits from sales decreased. So who did You do better? Its competitors ? That's strange ,borders on absurdity. After this coup, I have no sales , this is an improvement...