Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: otee, percolating fresh pot o'cawffee. complete a project

MistyLaraCarrara opened this issue on Dec 27, 2014 · 272 posts

PrecisionXXX posted Tue, 11 August 2015 at 12:46 AM

I think I used wings 1.2 that finally worked.  I think the head mesh may be the same as far as poly count, but the shape is different.  Face is different, and probably what I was attempting to do with Kate 2. It looks like they moved a few vertices to give her, I think, a younger face.  I was aiming at older. 

Now using wings 1.5 whatever, haven't really played with it enough.  I'll have to see if this will load her figure without puking out.

Good luck with  the teeth, it'll be worth it.  I never used more than aspirin, until I started getting a rash and had to go to something else.  It can be a hurt for a few days, but when it's gone, it's better by a lot.


The "I" in Doric is Silent.