Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Something Rpublishing should do

Winterclaw opened this issue on Jul 21, 2015 · 146 posts

RorrKonn posted Sat, 01 August 2015 at 8:02 AM

Did Sixus1 say it took 6 years to make Scarlet ?
For most it more like a day to sculpt it ,a day to retopologize it.1 hour to map it.3 hours to texture it.2 days to rig it, more or less.

You all worry about Promo's a lot .
I can talk for any other CGI Artist but I spend all my time making meshes.
Very little time rendering. I'm all but worthless at rendering.

I like some of the cloths,buildings and all and who don't like sexy lingerie .but a lot of the content sold isn't original and bores me .
Sixus1 is original and has imagination.

I know every one says for a character to succeed they need venders support.
Maybe every ones definition of success is different. 




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