Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Something Rpublishing should do

Winterclaw opened this issue on Jul 21, 2015 ยท 146 posts

Male_M3dia posted Fri, 31 July 2015 at 10:09 AM

The biggest problem for me with new figures is the expectation you have to rebuy every item you've ever bought again. It is like having to rebuy every music album every several years because we're changing from records to 8 tracks to cassettes to cds. At some point you go enough is enough and go with what you have the most of. If I could use my v4 stuff with v7, I'd probably be ok with switching to v7, But I know that Daz will replace v7 in a year or 2, so what is the point?

Being an artist, I want to spend my time creating art, not constantly reconfiguring all my content to the latest figure. I also don't want to be forced to create my own content due to a lack of content available. And this means useful content for me. V4 may have a ton of sexy content, but it has also collected over time a bunch of other, more everyday and functional content as well. To have to wait for that to be replaced on new figures would take forever, seeing as most content put out is made for exotic dancers, bedroom scenes, and such. Not that Im against that sort of thing,, but I also like normal content as well :p

Which brings me to the point of I don't think the v4 market for items has been tapped out. It may be tapped out though for certain products, like lingerie and sexy poses. There should be plenty of room for v4 fantasy armor or sci fi outfits that aren't made for strippers. And m4 content as an entirety is lacking, especially when compared to v4. There are literally more underwear sets for v4 than the entire catalogue of every type of m4 clothes possible. Someone who made decent m4 clothing could probably do quite well for themselves. Or maybe not, maybe the whole casual render industry is porn based, I have no idea :)

I think the point people miss when supporting new figures is that it's NEW content is what drives adoption. Vendors or stores do not make any money from you reusing your items, and that's what really determines a figure's success. No one would have to switched to CD if there weren't new artists that had albums only in CD format. Same with digital formats... it was a new way for customers to use their content, and those savvy enough could make their own music in digital formats or convert their albums over to use the new format. Nothing is different here. So yes, to get adoption going on a figure you do have to invest, otherwise, just keep using your old figure, because the new figure will just fail if you think you can just reuse all your old stuff. There would be no need to vendors to make anything.