Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Something Rpublishing should do

Winterclaw opened this issue on Jul 21, 2015 · 146 posts

RorrKonn posted Fri, 31 July 2015 at 12:20 AM

Thanks EldritchCellar 

Ya ,I'd like to see all the meshes done my self.
but they worked me a lot last month and this month don't seem to be any lighter.
They just don't seem to get me playing with my hobby is more important then them ;)

Ya I'm wondering off the high end here with the mechs polycount,
I'll make them as low polycount as I can but I'm going after a look that is going to cost a few more polygons.
this kind of mech stuff is new to me so there's a lot of I don't know ,guess will find out at the end.


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