Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Conforming clothes and hair animation

VirtualWorldDynamics opened this issue on Jun 14, 2015 ยท 787 posts

VirtualWorldDynamics posted Sun, 19 July 2015 at 12:05 PM

I apologize for not having send other messages or publish other videos.
That's not why I did not do anything.
The translation was difficult to realize because I have the bad habit of making long and complicated sentences. In fact, I came to a point where I was not sure that the translation is correct. So I redid the French version by making short sentences and limiting the number of words to be sure of the translation. This documentation is currently 44 pages.
The first tests show that the translation should be done quickly.
Regarding the program, it is completed, compiled and protected (for the demo version).
I continue to focus on documentation. It includes examples of simulation. I'll do equivalent videos later. I will begin to do them after the release of the demo program.
I will not give an exact date because it can always be a problem, but I hope that the demo version will be ready for the next weekend.
Thank you for your patience.


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