Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Conforming clothes and hair animation

VirtualWorldDynamics opened this issue on Jun 14, 2015 ยท 787 posts

NanetteTredoux posted Wed, 08 July 2015 at 12:21 AM

I am now calculating cloth simulations on a scene with five figures in it, all wearing dynamic clothes, and the waiting is frustrating. I am getting more dissatisfied with the look of conforming clothes, except perhaps for very tailored male clothing. I am interested to know what the requirements for the cloth or hair object are in your program: Must all seams be welded? How are buttons and other details handled? What about double layers?

Poser 11 Pro, Windows 10

Auxiliary Apps: Blender 2.79, Vue Complete 2016, Genetica 4 Pro, Gliftex 11 Pro, CorelDraw Suite X6, Comic Life 2, Project Dogwaffle Howler 8, Stitch Witch