Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: any news from Nerd, what direction PP15?

MistyLaraCarrara opened this issue on Jun 03, 2015 · 355 posts

Razor42 posted Sun, 28 June 2015 at 8:24 PM

@ WandW

"Your third choice does not exclude the two that I have posited; indeed, they have already made half of that choice by going to a standard rigging scheme.  But, people who are going to use Genesis 3+ in high end apps are  going to continue using those apps."

The point isn't to get the people that use high end apps to use DS it's to make them be able to access Daz3D content. A lot of these subject lines seem to always lead back to a rather paranoid Daz want me to stop using Poser, maybe Poser is becoming less and less relevant on DAZ's radar....

"The management issue is that they are giving away a Pro version whose comparable competitor has a street price of over $200; that is a lot of money to be leaving on the table; over $1 million revenue per 5000 copies, at negligible cost. "

Value is relative. Most game consoles are worth a lot more than they sell them for. Poser is locked into this kind of revenue model because of it's lack of content. If 1,000,000 people download a free DS and potentially purchase $100 worth of content in a year that equals $100,000,000 revenue. Which business model looks stronger, which model is the wider industry transitioning to? Again why would Daz revert back to an older business model that is seen to be failing across the broader market in general???

@ Pumeco

As far as Vicky's new anus goes, well like opinions everyone has one...

@ Keith

"So tell me, why do you think that Amazon, which was selling books (aka, the gas) tried to make it so that it could only be accessed on one particular reader (aka, the car)? According to your understanding, this sort of thing is entirely incomprehensible."

Well one of the main reason Amazon chose to go propriety is that one it hits the copyright trade squarely in the face and secondly proprietary formats are built to work in partnership with a device for a solid platform, thirdly there are a number direct competitors with their own totally separate proprietary Ebooks. But the point is you're speculating I can say that Poser are going to raise the price for their next version to over $1000 and drop the upgrade path because of some awesome evolutionary new features!!!, after all plenty of other software companies sell their software for that much and the next version is bound to have some new features. While this is entirely possible, it is highly unlikely and at worse your statement is incredibly flammatory, as is my example. So unless you have some actual evidence this is going to happen, what is the point of raising the speculation may I ask?


"Again, and I don't want to be repetitive, Daz3d create Genesis for and only for  their own software DS, that could be great, but then, when you see your buyers asking for a Poser  version, nobody, Daz3d or the buyers cannot ask to SM to find a solution to run Genesis in Poser, ask it to Daz3d."

Well I don't see much point in asking Daz3D as they have been trying to work with SM for years to get there modern figures into SM only to be snubbed. So I guess the Poserverse will just need to be satisfied with the "many figures in the market for Poser that are great figures" and the props and scenes that do include Poser versions. I have heard that DSON works for Genesis 2, well kinda.;) Daz3D are CHOOSING to drop Poser support, and that doesn't concern you about the future viability of Poser. If that's the case here is a large sand pit for you to enjoy.