Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: any news from Nerd, what direction PP15?

MistyLaraCarrara opened this issue on Jun 03, 2015 · 355 posts

Razor42 posted Sat, 27 June 2015 at 11:56 AM

Now some people says, "We want Genesis support in Poser. SM !!" Don't understanfing that it is the own Daz3d the first that don't want Genesis in Poser, they want people use Genesis in their own software DS.

This is just not true Daz3d generate revenue primarily through selling content, why did they waste money developing DSON import tools for Poser users? Why have they spent years releasing content with ds and poser mats? They could of just said, no daz studio no genesis, a long time ago. There is no reason SM cannot innovate there software to support the most advanced human figures currently in the market. Oh wait there is one they don't want to. Daz3d is not telling its vendors to drop poser support, most of them are just tired of doing sm's heavy lifting for them and are finally saying you know what, i didnt put any poser mats in my last product and the drop in sales was negligible. smith micro seem perfectly happy to not give their customers access to the newest most advanced content. why is that exactly to expensive to tool, to difficult to implement or they just would prefer to try to block daz3d out.  Which so far has been one of the most unsuccessful business strategies i have seen in quite a long while. But hey if poser users are happy to not have access to this mass of content i guess thats there decision. But i know if i was a newcomer looking at entering this area. It doesnt seem to difficult to see which option is looking the best at the moment.