Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Project E

vampchild opened this issue on Apr 08, 2014 · 337 posts

erogenesis posted Thu, 25 June 2015 at 8:26 PM

 WARNING: What follows is just MY PERSONAL OPINION and is not intended to influence anybody else's mind.

...[Uber-flattering Undiluted Ego Fertilizer administrated on a stunned Uncle Ero]...

Wow. What a profoundly flattering paragraph man! Thank you! I don't know what else to say other than that it was a great pleasure to see everyone enjoy the bits, even if I sometimes struggled to keep up with the customer support. I can only hope that Project E will deliver the same amount of pleasure (and a proper helpdesk)! thanks once again! PS: thank you, again

PSS: that bit about leaving the bits attached and dialed in under their clothes, yep! I do that too in my comics. It just makes them a little more 'real'.

"The fool is not the one that does something foolish, but the one that does nothing at all."