Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: What Are You Currently Working On? Share It Here!

AmbientShade opened this issue on Sep 22, 2014 · 585 posts

Teyon posted Mon, 22 June 2015 at 9:00 AM

I still think he looks top-heavy due to the tiny amount of area his feet have in contact with the ground, having no toe of mass at the front of the foot to stop him going forward means that he would fall forward as soon as someone pushed him from behind.  Seems a bit of an odd thing to do for a person with your skills and understanding of balance etc.  But very nice work, he looks very good, and he's a fantasy figure after all so I suppose you still passes on artistic licence ;-)

Thanks. Pumeco, it was a concious design decision. I tried increasing the length as well as increasing the width and just didn't like the look of it. Besides, this gives him a bit of a comical look, which is partly what I was going for anyway. However, I'm going to have to stop calling him an Ogre. He's very much a Satyr now.  Anyway, started his rig today. I'm about two hours into it Just need to tweak the joints and make some morphs however, my mandatory vacation is over so I probably won't get to that until the weekend. Final model (if you guys care) stands at 20,540 quads or 41,088 triangles if triangulated in UVMapper. I'm thinking of using Atangeo Balancer to reduce the count to around 10K and see if I can transfer the rig and morphs to that version for a lower res game model. Like I said though, all to be done on weekends now.