Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: any news from Nerd, what direction PP15?

MistyLaraCarrara opened this issue on Jun 03, 2015 · 355 posts

Razor42 posted Fri, 12 June 2015 at 1:06 AM

I know for a fact that DAZ3D have approached Smith Micro a number of times to help integrate the genesis figures into Poser natively, only to be flatly refused. Why is this not something being seriously looked at by Smith Micro? The fastest way to change from industry leader to yesterday's hero is to lose touch with your market. Why would Smith Micro refuse to help integrate content from the largest content provider in the market? Seems self defeating.

Oh, that one is simple.....because DAZ updates DS constantly.  And when they do, they break their OWN addons, much less 3rd party addons. Just keeping up with DAZ breaking addons would mean Poser would never be updated again as their programmers would be doing nothing but keeping up with broken addons.

I'm talking about content support not addons. They are very different beasts.

You seemed to have missed the most important part of that post too btw.

What are the strengths of Poser, what does it do better then it's competition? Clearly it's not broad content support for whatever reason that is.

What would you say it's strengths are in comparison to it's competitors?