Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: any news from Nerd, what direction PP15?

MistyLaraCarrara opened this issue on Jun 03, 2015 · 355 posts

Razor42 posted Thu, 11 June 2015 at 7:39 PM

Ps; What are all these DS guys doing in a Poser forum?
They pop-up in every tread?
Do they not have their own thing here?

Well most of the "DS Guys" are Vendors/Content Creators and have in the past created content or still create content for Poser. I would say most of them have purchased Poser  and have it installed and either have used, or currently still use Poser. DS guys/DS users is more a derisive term that people who prefer Poser over DS use to undermine someone else's opinion by placing a negative label on them. Think of it like this. Poster one: Posts an incorrect fact or slight about Daz Studio in the Poser forum usually as some kind of cheap shot.

Poster two: Replies Well sorry but that's not actually correct, if you look you will find that DS does do that in fact.

Poster one: Why do you always have to defend DS, what are you doing in the Poser forums anyway..,..Why are there so many DS Users here???

So you see labelling people as DS users is a term generally used in a negative context by people who have some issue against Daz Studio or have a superiority complex with Poser.

Most people here are just 3D artists and content creators reading relevant industry news and discussion. Using different tools and techniques to accomplish their goals. Are you suggesting that content creators or people who do also use DS shouldn't be allowed to post here? Do you have issue with people using Daz Studio and Poser?

Plus I'm sure your radeons run fine, it's just that some people want to be able to access faster render speeds through GPU enhancement in a PBR engine.