Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Scarlet - Is it time to jump the V4 ship?

hornet3d opened this issue on May 16, 2015 · 532 posts

RobynsVeil posted Mon, 18 May 2015 at 4:07 PM

Quote Moriador: "In this community, it takes less than a day to go from reasonable to vile. If anything, anything were to persuade me to wave goodbye to Poser forever it would be this. Not the software features, not the figures, not the content, not the phone home activation in Game Dev, not the price, not the vendors -- but the community. I just don't want to be a part of it anymore.

And I expect I am far from alone in this feeling."

You aren't alone. I lurk more than comment now because of precisely this. Folks hide behind the "I speak honestly" or "I tell it like it is" but there is still a place for tact.

Monterey/Mint21.x/Win10 - Blender3.x - PP11.3(cm) - Musescore3.6.2

Wir sind gewohnt, daß die Menschen verhöhnen was sie nicht verstehen
[it is clear that humans have contempt for that which they do not understand] 

Metaphor of Chooks