Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Scarlet - Is it time to jump the V4 ship?

hornet3d opened this issue on May 16, 2015 · 532 posts

creativeguy59 posted Mon, 18 May 2015 at 1:06 PM

Woah, you misuderstood me but I'm happy to take the blame for it this time.  My post wasn't aimed at you (notice I never addressed anyone specific for that post).  I was just speaking in general terms.  But I can see how it looks like I was replying to you specifically, so please accept my apologies, I'm sorry about that.  Don't know what Glitterati's problem is though, maybe she can't read.  The only thing I've said about Scarlet was a compliment about how the shoulders were handled!

Sorry, but you can't blame me for the general behaviour of people when heated figure discussions take place!

True, but there's definitely a Vickie suck-up thing going on.  Can you imagine, if every Poser user suddenly gave Roxie a chance, used the Morph Brush to change whatever they wish, people started using her more, more and more morphs would appear for her, and that in turn would create more Roxie users and less Vickie users - a knock-on effect.  But while everyone is busy supporting figures from the competition, that doesn't happen.

Interesting in theory, i am not adept at the morph brush yet, I have timelines on my projects so not usually built in. I want to learn me up though ... though ZB might be where I go but not everyone has that option. I don't have uber mojo skills yet to do self service on many of the SM provided models. I can't build all my own content and in my case time is money. Now eventually I'll get to the level of being able to do all of these things to my own personal standards... so far I suck at morph brush but I keep on trying :) The inertia your dealing with is that like her or not V4 has a plethora of content out there. That folks can drag and drop etc with relative ease ... call it the lazy bear effect :) ... You don't necessarily need EVERY poser user to do so you need a good group of vendors and the like to do so and pave the way... which is really the trick of all of that and why many of these figures just simply fail. In any event good talk.