Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Scarlet - Is it time to jump the V4 ship?

hornet3d opened this issue on May 16, 2015 ยท 532 posts

Biscuits posted Mon, 18 May 2015 at 7:02 AM

I am shocked by this thread.

I'm all for constructive feedback that's the only way to improve, because when you sit on a project so long you are going to loose your fresh look and miss things.

I'm very lucky to have my very critical and experienced beta tester and am very grateful for his input even though he tends to give me a lot of extra work. But it makes the project much better.

But I do feel in this thread that the way how feedback is presented is heartbreaking.

Creators have feelings too! Try to add solutions or tips to your critique, try to help the creator out.

Hopefully figure creators aren't demotivated and given up to try after this thread.

Cause we need poser characters who can inspire artists to make beautiful renders.

Unfortunately from my views of the promos, Scarlet isn't the one who inspires me personally,

so no not gonna jump the V4 ship just yet.

But I'm ready to be inspired...

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