Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Scarlet - Is it time to jump the V4 ship?

hornet3d opened this issue on May 16, 2015 · 532 posts

WandW posted Mon, 18 May 2015 at 6:57 AM

I get what you're saying. On the other hand, I'm not sure how threads of this sort will affect creators like Teyon. If he reads this, he'll won't be able to have a bowel movement for a month. In many ways, there's a self-defeating effect for us in our enthusiasm for perfection and quality and the way it plays out in the forums. It's almost gotten to the point that if you want to release a human figure for Poser, you have to be so thick skinned as to not care at all. And that's not an improvement. How many people have started to make a figure and given up because undergoing this kind of scrutiny just isn't worth it? I personally know of more than a couple. Would a friendly environment not be more encouraging to those who actually have the skill to make such a thing? Or might we actually be driving these people away to use their talents elsewhere?

I think the problem is often the tone of the criticism; having X problem doesn't make a figure a piece of crap or somesuch, and there is no need to to say the latter; it has a technical issue which can be fixed.  Likewise someone else shouldn't be arguing that the issue doesn’t matter. One shouldn’t get too emotional about it. Funny you mention Teyon, because he posted over at RDNA just the other day asking why Poser users argue so much.  The post was soon followed by an argument... :(


The Wisdom of bagginsbill:

"Oh - the manual says that? I have never read the manual - this must be why."
“I could buy better software, but then I'd have to be an artist and what's the point of that?"
"The [R'osity Forum Search] 'Default' label should actually say 'Don't Find What I'm Looking For'".
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