Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Scarlet - Is it time to jump the V4 ship?

hornet3d opened this issue on May 16, 2015 ยท 532 posts

Vaskania posted Mon, 18 May 2015 at 3:29 AM

@AmbientShade That doesn't always work. Case in point: Hivewire. Chris is always posting WIPs and taking user input, yet on release, there are plenty of people willing to throw the Hivewire figures into the recycle bin. They want to bash the figures, yet they're usually people I have yet to see in the forums. The only figure that didn't have a thread for end-user input was the initial release of Dawn as the site didn't go live until she did (iirc though there was a thread here that was going on), but she now has an SR2 (completely backwards compatible with the products from the first version). Dawn, Dusk, the Horse, and now the upcoming baby all have work-in-progress threads for various upcoming products that anyone can look at and voice their input, and Chris is very involved with those.

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