Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Scarlet - Is it time to jump the V4 ship?

hornet3d opened this issue on May 16, 2015 ยท 532 posts

AmbientShade posted Mon, 18 May 2015 at 2:59 AM

Hornet3d: There are a lot of theories on what will make a good figure but over the last few years they have remained just that, theories. After reading a lot of this thread I question if there is anyone around with the skills to make such a figure that is stupid enough to try and risk having a good few years of their life trashed in public.Moriador: I get what you're saying. On the other hand, I'm not sure how threads of this sort will affect creators like Teyon. If he reads this, he'll won't be able to have a bowel movement for a month. In many ways, there's a self-defeating effect for us in our enthusiasm for perfection and quality and the way it plays out in the forums. It's almost gotten to the point that if you want to release a human figure for Poser, you have to be so thick skinned as to not care at all. And that's not an improvement. How many people have started to make a figure and given up because undergoing this kind of scrutiny just isn't worth it? I personally know of more than a couple. Would a friendly environment not be more encouraging to those who actually have the skill to make such a thing? Or might we actually be driving these people away to use their talents elsewhere?

Mayhaps these are good reasons to have a figure developed in front of the community, so that everyone sees the development as it's happening, and can voice their input accordingly. Doesn't mean every request can be met, but combined with a group of sincere testers at various stages, it might produce more favorable results, less room for obvious errors, and less of an environment for public stoning once the final product is released.