Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Scarlet - Is it time to jump the V4 ship?

hornet3d opened this issue on May 16, 2015 · 532 posts

AmbientShade posted Mon, 18 May 2015 at 12:12 AM

Asymmetry is a problem with Poser. I doubt the model was built asymmetrical, however I know from personal experience and other top vendors I've spoken to in the past, that Poser will randomly knock a model out of symmetry depending on how the model is saved into the library. It happens in very small increments and in various ways, and not all the time. It's been an on-going issue for many versions that makes content creation all the more frustrating, that S-M has yet to fix or even acknowledge.

I've seen this firsthand. Seen things that I KNOW where symmetrical were not once they were run thru Poser. AFAIK, its been a problem since at least Poser9/PP12.

Jesus H. Christ the quote font is ****' annoying. Back to hardly lurk mode.


Example: If you load Roxie directly from the library - into another modeler or even into Poser, her mesh is 100% symmetrical. If you load her via her .CR2, she is no longer symmetrical. The asymmetry is being saved into the .CR2 - and thus, into the new .OBL that gets saved out along with each new copy of the .CR2. I have to wonder if part of the problem isn't due to Poser's mirror rigging features. I don't know, I haven't investigated it very thoroughly because I don't know how I'd go about fixing it even if I did figure out what the exact problem is. I just know it's very annoying.  

So one way to work around it, I think, is to always keep a master copy of the figure in your geometries folder (and NOT in the figure library, where Poser always likes to store it for some illogical reason), and go in and manually change the .CR2 to point to the model in the geometries folder. That way it's loading an unaltered version of the model each time. Roxie is not the only figure this applies to. Pretty much all of them as far as I can tell. However some of them are in fact asymmetrical.

(Note on quote fonts: If you press the arrow key down  a couple times to get passed the quote block before you start typing following a quote, then your response text won't be ginormous. That's using a normal pc. If you're using a tablet or phone i can't help ya)