Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Scarlet - Is it time to jump the V4 ship?

hornet3d opened this issue on May 16, 2015 ยท 532 posts

shvrdavid posted Sun, 17 May 2015 at 6:58 PM

I made a stripped out figure so I could re rig it, but that wont happen.

You can't mirror the rigging, it goes fubar due to asymmetry in the mesh....

... Well, sometimes, you can get Poser to do it anyway, but the results are not always predictable. Rigging it entirely by hand, without benefit of mirroring is possible, but I would certainly opt to adjust the current rigging instead of going with scratch, in that case. Because... fingers. /shiver :)

It may be that you could mirror rigging with something else besides Poser's native toolset. One of the clothes rigging scripts/apps might have enough flexibility to be used to do that. The only one I normally use is Quick Conform, standalone, and it doesn't offer that, but Wardrobe Wizard might or there could be a python script out there that would do it without fussing about symmetry problems.

I am surprised that it's not symmetrical, though.

I have scripts that will mirror the rigging, but if mirror joints is used it will ruin any non symmetrical mesh. I weight mapped Sydney, and you can tie her into a knot. But if someone uses the mirror command on her it is all over. You have to load the character again. That is why it was never released it, because it just doesn't work with all the tools in Poser. A character that doesn't work with those tools is not going to last. Rigging clothes for it was a nightmare as well. Rigging a non symmetrical mesh is possible, just keep in mind that I dropped the whole idea because I did not want to release a freebie that was that fragile.

Selling one with similar issues is something I would never do.

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