Forum: 3DS MAX

Subject: The Oculus Rift and Max

Tracybee opened this issue on Apr 30, 2015 · 3 posts

Tracybee posted Sat, 02 May 2015 at 7:58 PM

Yes, I agree.

With VR and the Rift, one gets a closed in feelng with the goggles after  a while.

The Microsoft AR would allow the immediate environment to be "there" and provide some relief.

Certainly both ways allow a different and unique way of seeing your objects and scenes.

I was quite astounded at how they look and the feeling one gets with the Oculus.

Parenting the  rift camera to say a frantic biped is a sure way to get someones attention as it skips and runs through a scene. :)

Luckily Max ingrates beautifully with everything when using the FBX converter.