Forum: Fractals

Subject: Fractals This Week#2

Lenord opened this issue on Apr 20, 2015 · 26 posts

Glendaw posted Sat, 02 May 2015 at 3:59 PM

Sounds like ZoSo was as happy about you being home as you were Len.

A little stroll in the desert with your Buddy is good therapy for both of you.

Aw I can understand to straddle  a Bike seat so soon could jeopardize  those stitches In a big way,

Good thing the girls are there to keep you in control.

Course I'm thinking your Brews should be Brewed before taking a sip Len.  LOL>

Have a good evening with your daughter and son and friends they know best  "Grampa".

Getting old really, really sucks at times, however you have a strong will and awesome sense of humor to help you get through this lot in your life Len.

Hang in there and keep in touch when time permits.

 Take Care