Forum: 3D Modeling

Subject: Freebie Preview - Realistic Folding Chair

LuxXeon opened this issue on Mar 26, 2015 · 7 posts

LuxXeon posted Fri, 27 March 2015 at 1:20 PM

Hello, everyone.  I just released the final version of this model for download.  It consists of both open and closed instances, as well as several alternate texture maps, which may be useful in providing texture variation if you decide to use more than one instance of the chair in a single scene.  Each chair consists of 100% quad polygons, suitable for subdivision if necessary.  These detailed models each contain just 8,564 polygons and 8,870 verts.

The models have been carefully UV Unwrapped without overlapping edges to prevent texture stretching or deformation, and include all the necessary high-resolution texture maps needed for photo-realistic, physically based rendering (PBR).  The chairs contain 3 alternate color/diffuse, specular/reflection, and glossy/roughness maps to provide the widest range of variation when using multiple chairs in a scene.  You can also decide to use seamless procedural materials with or without the maps, should you wish.  If you have any questions or concerns about how to use the maps provided with this model in your render engine of choice, please contact me for assistance, or read the descriptions below, or refer to the included README text file:

Color/Diffuse: There are 3 alternate color or diffuse albedo maps provided.  These go into the color or diffuse channel of your render material.
Specular:  There are 3 alternate specular maps in relation to the color maps provided.  These go into the specular level, or reflection channel, of your render material.
Gloss: There are 3 alternate gloss maps in relation to the color maps provided.  These go into the glossiness channel of your render material.
Roughness: There are 3 roughness maps in relation to the color maps provided.  These go into the roughness channel of your render material.
Bump: There is a bump map provided for each texture group.  This goes into the bump map channel of your render material.
Nmap: There is a normal map provided for each texture group.  This goes into the normal map channel of your render material.

*All example renders were done in the Corona render engine for 3dsmax with the texture maps provided.

You are free to use or modify this model as you see fit, for your own rendering projects or scenes. As with all my freebies, the object can be used for both commercial and non-commercial renders. You may NOT, however, resell or redistribute the model or textures, or any derivative of them; individually, or as part of a package/set.

The 3dsmax file is compatible with 3dsmax 2012 or higher.  The modifier stack has been collapsed for compatibility.

Here is the link to download the OBJ version of this model on Renderosity Freestuff:

Alternatively, you can download this model from the following resource websites, which includes additional promo renders, and topological wireframe renders:

Thanks for the interest, and please let me know if there are any questions or problems related to this model.


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