Forum: 3D Modeling

Subject: Freebie Preview - Realistic Folding Chair

LuxXeon opened this issue on Mar 26, 2015 · 7 posts

LuxXeon posted Thu, 26 March 2015 at 6:34 PM

Nice model and texture Lux. How big a pain was that to repose?

Not much at all, really.  I constructed the model with pivot axis points where I needed them to rotate the pieces into folded position easily from the start, so it was a matter of probably 5 to 10 additional minutes creating the folded version.  The "problems" I encountered only came when I misjudged some of the distances of the smaller pieces, like the bolts and nuts, and had to go back and adjust their positions on the surface of the chair after rotations.  That was more or less my own fault, not thinking ahead well enough in the design process.  I originally was only going to offer the chair as-is, in the open position, but looking around, I noticed a vacuum of models where you could find a closed version of a folding chair like this, so the idea came a little late in the build.


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