Forum: Blacksmith3D & Texture Transformer Support

Subject: Texture Transformer supported figures.

lkendall opened this issue on Feb 04, 2015 · 22 posts

Blacksmith3D posted Thu, 12 February 2015 at 11:03 AM

 Blacksmith3D is VERY different than the Texture Transformer that is being discussed here. In B3D, ANY obj, cr2, base figure .duf (which is new to version 6), and .fbx files (also new to version are supported. This includes M4, any of the 5th generation males as the original genesis male, any of the generation 6 males, Dusk, any of the default Poser figures and any other figure (male or female) where you have a obj, cr2, duf or fbx file. You can alter any of these skin textures in B3D.

Texture Transformer is a program (stand alone and included in the PRO version) that automatically coverts V4 textures to Dawn, Roxie or Genesis 2 females.

You are STILL able to make and alter existing skin textures manually in the B3D software.