Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Feature requests for Poser

DreamlandModels opened this issue on Oct 25, 2013 ยท 189 posts

Glen posted Mon, 19 January 2015 at 3:37 PM

I'm not sure if it has been said before, as I haven't sat and read through the whole lot, but...


If, like me, you have been using Poser for years and years, carting a secondary hard drive about with your runtime on it and adding to it constantly, you'll probably have accrued a hefty number of products. Some vendors are really good at naming their products differently in the runtime to anywhere else (for example: 'Glen's Morphing Sponge V2' might be listed as 'GMS2' in the library) and that can make it awkward to find what you're looking for. I've even had to scour my email, my store accounts and even Google, sometimes for nearly an hour, to find a product in my own runtime!

Tagging will allow vendors to add appropriate tags to their products, as well as users to add their own. There is also a common problem with vendors naming their products in less than descriptive ways. For example, I might call my morphing sponge 'G's Super Soaker-Upper'... that doesn't tell anyone anything! If I bought something with such a cryptic name a week or so ago in a sale and didn't get around to trying it out, all I'll remember is that it's a morphing sponge, but there is no reference to 'sponge' in the library and I don't remember the vendor!

Anyway, that's just my idea. Another little one would be to add the possibility of rendering areas in the background and adding a 'render in background' button up the top to save that extra click. ;)

I'm running Win 10 Pro 32GB RAM Intel Core i7-4790K CPU @ 4.00GHz Nvidia GeForce GTX 1660 Ti

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Peace, love and polygons!