Forum: Cinema 4D

Subject: Maxon Cinema4D and Interposer Pro, an invite to discuss

wolf359 opened this issue on Sep 23, 2014 · 46 posts

wolf359 posted Sat, 17 January 2015 at 9:56 AM

Just wanted to add I Love C4D and have used it since version 6XL.

but I am not a software partisan or "loyalist"

Early retired at age 51 with limited cash for future software purchases,

I have ZERO aspiration to work in the "CG industry"

and therefore have no need to conform to "industry Standards"

All of this mocap, nonlinear aniblock blah blah features of poser/DAZ are useless to me if there was no viable way to get the animated figure into a REAL program with a proper CAMERA LIGHTING & RENDERING SYSTEM(C4D

Here is an Old animation I did 5 years ago  


yet even today I see no option within C4 DR15 x

to create this kind of figure motion

( and yes  I have the Prerigged Dosch humans for C4D)

So and for me  building custom rigs to use Kinect,  etc or other motion sources would be spending time+Money I dont have & effort, just to get close to the character motions I have already been doing for the last half decade.

would not be logical in my case

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