Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: What Are You Currently Working On? Share It Here!

AmbientShade opened this issue on Sep 22, 2014 ยท 585 posts

pumeco posted Fri, 31 October 2014 at 5:09 AM

For some reason, Roxie is still having difficulty with the site, but asked me to tell you to only allow the top-most title of those four choices in your image :-D

To be honest I doubt I'll even notice the 64-bit thing, I don't do complicated enough stuff, ZBrush even ran like greased lightning on my old single-core 2.5GHz Celeron with 1G or System RAM and just 128MB Graphics :-P

Marvelous Designer is very cool but I'm not renting software, and it's way too expensive for what it is :-(