Forum: Cinema 4D

Subject: Maxon Cinema4D and Interposer Pro, an invite to discuss

wolf359 opened this issue on Sep 23, 2014 · 46 posts

wolf359 posted Mon, 29 September 2014 at 9:56 AM

**"i did notice that importing the mdd file scaled my object and i couldnt really control that apart from dropping the import factor to 1 and that it throws my object axis off and i cant seem to correct it - as soon as I try to correct it it snaps back."**

Hi the problem you are experiencing
is the result of the object in Daz Studio.
Being in a different "world space" location
than it is in Cinema4D and the MDD file is based on the Daz world space location.

There is a work around that I use
when moving content from one program environment
to another.

Use any prop of your choice as "locator object" at 0,0,0, XYZ axis in Daz studio or wherever program  as a point of reference.

Export that  "locator object".obj to C4D and put a restriction tag so it never moves.

Now in Daz Studio pose/animate your figures as desired
keeping in mind their relation to the "locator object"

when you export your genesis Figures from daz  to C4D they will have the same world space relationship  to the  copy of  the "locator object"  already imported from DAZ to C4D

so try not to move them around after import to build your C4D scene cameras &other props in cinema around the imported  "locator object".........


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