Forum: Vue

Subject: Lux render engine?

Darboshanski opened this issue on Aug 29, 2010 · 24 posts

Snowpheonix posted Mon, 29 September 2014 at 1:40 AM

> Quote - I've seen some great renders with the Lux/Studio combo. But, as mentioned, not superior to anything you can make in Vue.


An interesting opinion and for me I find it really depends on what type of enviroment you want but when it comes to realism, LuxRender/Studio can't be beat. 

I've enjoyed the discussion you guys have had but even with the Vue 2014 version using "photometric" lighting, you can't really beat that perfectly crisp lighting that you get with reality... especially when you take the cost into account.  Daz for free, I bought reality 2 on sale for like $30 dollars... When compaired to $400 dollars for Vue Complete (not the full version that cost $1700) it really is no competition. 

I think the real issue is what we plan to do with the software... If you want to make outdoor landscapes then of course use Vue.. but if you want to make any type of portraits with human characters then Daz/Poser exporting into Lux really is the hands down winner... besides, you can always fake landscapes by using 2D backgrounds in combination of other 3D elements.

You can try and export DAZ/Poser to Vue and I've made some really 'nice' renders and they each have a good use but when you factor in cost and ease of use, straight using of DAZ and Reality 2 win hands down for me.

I do like my expansive outdoor scenes, so I keep using Vue but if you have a budget then Vue is off the table, too little for a lot of money that doesn't convert into any spectacular.