Forum: Community Center


TinaK opened this issue on Jun 24, 2014 ยท 243 posts

3dcheapskate posted Thu, 07 August 2014 at 9:35 PM

Quote - ...The OP of this thread linked to the 'front page MarketPlace Improvement article' and I just noticed this bit about the Marketplace Search: "Once results are returned, you'll be presented with multiple sidebars unique to your search. Please note that the sidebars will NOT appear unless a search is made. "

Obvious question 1 - why?


Just spotted winvdb's post above and had another look. Good to see that you've fixed this - the sidebars now appear if you just select a category, e.g. "3D Figure Essentials".

The 3Dcheapskate* occasionally posts sensible stuff. Usually by accident.

*also available in ShareCG, DAZ, and CGBytes flavours.