Forum: Community Center


TinaK opened this issue on Jun 24, 2014 · 243 posts

IceEmpress posted Fri, 25 July 2014 at 4:40 PM

It's not until more people start taking action and speaking with their wallets that the site will start paying attention. And you are one hundred percent about hearing the "this is how things are going to be from now on" or the absolute patronizing 'we know better' tripe of "give it a chance, we know you'll come to love it." Though I would call it more condescending but that is just semantics.

In their defense however, I don't think that was the case with the forum admins and the sale font color.  Tina at the time said "I'll bring this up with the programmer" or something like that, and a few days later said it wasn't going to change because it is the color that the site manager wants.  I'm inclined to believe that the forum admins here (or at least Tina and Stacey) don't care for the sale font color, either.  

And, they stopped gushing saccharinely (with a touch of acetone-- unfortunately, I do indeed know what this tastes like-- some pharoah ants got into my cranberry cereal and I didn't realize it.  It tastes about the same as it smells shudders  I wish it had been Argentine ants, since at least those are just peppery...) about how much we'd like the new site layout after a week and a half.

How can Bondware help?  Do they own Rendo?
Somewhere on the site it says "Powered by Bondware".  So most likely, Bondware's software is what is used for this site layout and programming.  However, Bondware probably isn't like DAZ and Poser e-shops, where the staff are actually approachable or interact with the customer.  So I'm not expecting them to lift a finger beyond giving anyone who emails them a crappy automated response.

To be honest, I would likely be willing to shop at previous levels with just a few conditions--

  1. Fix the font color-- a golden yellow is best.
  2. Fix whatever bug is preventing me from sorting my 65-item wishlist by price (there's just no way I can shop like before with 200 wishlist items without being able to do this :(   Although I haven't looked to see if this problem exists on other browsers.)
  3. BIGGEST ONE OF ALL-- a promise, made public, from the webmaster of this site, that from now on, any redesigns will be done-- and completed/perfected- on a dummy site like any professional online business does.  (I don't care if the webmaster comes in here and says it himself, or if Tina or another admin come here and paraphrase it)   Had this been done from the beginning, none of this would have happened, and the programmer would have had a much longer window to work on this.

Yes, that is one thing which was supposed to get better with the new store. Instead it has gotten worse. Improvements are supposed to make things better - well they haven't
The problem is the complicated search-based layout-- it actually DOES work quite well at filtering content by figure if you can figure out how to use it, but it requires you follow a certain step-by-step process.  I don't recall if this works on vendor pages at all, but you can get it to work on the main store pages if you follow the right steps.
Which, of course, is a major problem, that the site functions are not consistent everywhere, which makes things confusing.