Forum: Community Center


TinaK opened this issue on Jun 24, 2014 · 243 posts

3dstories posted Wed, 23 July 2014 at 9:57 AM

Thank you Stacey for your response. I recognize that Renderoisty cannot satisfy everybody, but I really do hope some of these issues change. I assume that the company is monitoring things like 'artists online' , the time spent on line, and ultimately purchases made, with thei idea that if these numbers grow the change is basically good, and if they shrink, then it probably was not good.

For making purchases I would like to be able to delete as many items as I don't want at a given time with perhaps one pop-up that says, 'confirm delete of these items.'  Also, ideally, I would like a second temporary wishlist cart that I could put things into while a given sale is on. A 'temporary cart' if you will. Then transfer things over to my final cart with the idea that if I get more money or change my mind on some things I could go back to my temporary cart for a bit.

Size and basic readability and navigation is till a big thing for me. I'm not too concerned about style.

Thank you.