Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Upgrade to Poser 10 Worth It?

MNArtist opened this issue on Oct 28, 2013 · 14 posts

Cage posted Mon, 28 October 2013 at 1:15 PM

Quote - If you are planning to use Windows 8.1 in the near future, Poser 9 is not compatible, but 10 is...

Whoa.  Can you expand on this?  What compatibility issues exist?  Do other older versions of Poser work?  Once Windows updates start breaking Poser, I begin to worry.  :scared:


Cage can be an opinionated jerk who posts without thinking.  He apologizes for this.  He's honestly not trying to be a turkeyhead.

Cage had some freebies, compatible with Poser 11 and below.  His Python scripts were saved at, along with the rest of the Morphography site, where they were hosted.