Forum: 3D Modeling

Subject: Ngons and Tris: Sloppy modelling, or intelligent strategy?

SinnerSaint opened this issue on Sep 24, 2013 · 34 posts

SinnerSaint posted Wed, 25 September 2013 at 11:50 PM

Quote -
We'd be living in a world full or sloppy models if we all followed the crede "because my software package did it, it must be the best way." Case in point, make a sphere.

Bcoz my software said so!


[2] No, its not just a subpatched cube. Sheesh! A subpatched/subdivided cube does not a proper round sphere make, sorry.


Wow, I think you missed my point on that one too.  Not talking about spheres, not trying to say one package does it best, etc, etc.  I don't think highly of 3dsmax as a software package to begin with, so I wouldn't dream of implying it does anything the best way.  I was just trying to give an example I felt Luxxeon would understand, since he's a Max guy and all, but so much for that. heh.