Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Making a prop glow inside a box

putrdude opened this issue on Feb 21, 2013 · 56 posts

putrdude posted Tue, 12 March 2013 at 1:32 PM

Even better!

Dirk Daggard, Lifeguard/Firefighter with a spaceship, travels the galaxies with his trusty dog, Spot. 

Got any kids?  "IF" I ever finish this book, (second version so far ugh!) you can fight with them over it.  You would love it.  Lots of fairies, pixie dust galore.  It's a childrens' book, so I'm not sure it's right for a spaceship riding, firefighting, physics biologist manly man! But then again, you make tinkerbell pics, so...

I like to use Poser pics to give me an idea of what is in my head, hence the evil wand etc. Don't think I'll  be using them in the book, unless it stinks, and nobody wants to publish it, except me. :)  Publishers typically pick their own illustrator, and often dont use illustrations unless its a picture book.  Oh well.  Still fun to do.  

Anyway, thanks Dirk.  Very nice of you to have helped and made the wand "thingy" (that's the technical term I like to throw around to show off.)  I'm a  poser ignoramous, but I try.  Photoshop helps me hide my incompetence.

Thanks muchly!  I won't forget your help.