Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Making a prop glow inside a box

putrdude opened this issue on Feb 21, 2013 · 56 posts

seachnasaigh posted Mon, 11 March 2013 at 7:40 PM

     Thank you, and you are welcome, putrdude.  ^^

    I took the firefighter's job simply to pay for college;  the free time in the evenings also allowed me to study.  The original plan was to go into either medicine or engineering. But soon I found that I reveled in the mayhem of firefighting.
:woot:   So, although I did finish the degrees, I stayed with the fire department.  It doesn't pay as much, but it well suits my Celtic & Viking blood.  :biggrin:  

Quote -   Got any gnarly powers, besides wand making? 

Um, well, I can make a pretty good pixie dust.shrug  TinkerBell is my muse.Tinksigh     .       I used to have a spotty firedog who was faster than a goosed moose and able to make firehouse leftovers disappear as if by

Poser 12, in feet.  

OSes:  Win7Prox64, Win7Ultx64

Silo Pro 2.5.6 64bit, Vue Infinite 2014.7, Genetica 4.0 Studio, UV Mapper Pro, UV Layout Pro, PhotoImpact X3, GIF Animator 5