Forum: The MarketPlace Wishing Well

Subject: Dinosaurs and All Things Prehistoric

MNArtist opened this issue on Jan 12, 2012 ยท 106 posts

nabob21 posted Thu, 28 February 2013 at 9:32 PM

Well that certainly sucks all around. Leave it to the jackasses of the world to ruin it for people. I can certainly understand Raul's point of view. It was remarkable that he provided so many fantastic models for such great prices. I always looked forward to his new releases and was fortunate enough to be able to purchase almost all of them to date. The new prices will put a damper on that but I will still purchase his models as I can. I don't blame him for what he has been forced to do, he deserves both compensation and credit for his creations. I will just have to be more selective in my purchases from now on, and learn to savour the anticipation of a new purchase (kind of like that old ketchup commercial). I am just glad that he has not decided to stop producing his models altogether. I also hope he continues to post his images as well. He always does such great work.

And speaking of images, MNArtist and Imx3d, your work just gets better and better. Your new textures and feathered dinosaurs are absolutely outstanding and always inspiring!