Forum: Blacksmith3D & Texture Transformer Support

Subject: Best way to proceed

Burpee opened this issue on Jan 05, 2013 · 20 posts

fly028 posted Tue, 29 January 2013 at 5:41 AM Forum Moderator

Hello again Burpee,

UVmapping is a real difficult thing, i agree, the same for me! (only have 2 different specialized soft only for this :-) )

In fact, it's like wrapping a paper on something. Imagine the straight part of a bottle: You can wrap a piece of paper around it. It's the same for cylindrical mapping.

There ares many UV types: Hexagon only provides 4 types: spherical, planar, cylindrical and cubic.

Has your hair should be defined now, it could be hard to do it properly with those tools (and hexagon uvmapper is not very easy to use) . You're right, you should have seams. Has there should be distortion in your mesh due to the modeling, LSCM unwrapping seems to be a good tool (but this method is not aviable in hexagon).

So, the best i think is to start again with a basic mesh as described in the previous post.

If you like, i can try to uvmap it for you with my tools if it can help acheive your project.